Embark on a futuristic odyssey with RAI, the perfect starting point for new readers to the Valiant Universe. Set in a technologically advanced 41st century, follow Rai, the enigmatic protector of New Japan, as he navigates a world of astonishing innovation and hidden dangers. This series blends sci-fi action with deep philosophical questions as Rai confronts his identity and destiny. Each page is a visually stunning journey, offering a unique blend of high-tech spectacle and compelling narrative. Tradition meets technology in a story of rebellion and humanity's future. Contains the first appearance of Rai X, Father, Spylocke, and many other Valiant Universe characters! From New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (BRZRKR) and superstar artist Clayton Crain (Carnage), discover the world of 41st-century Japan with an all-new vision of the future unlike anything you've seen before! Content: Rai #1-12, Valiant: 4001 A.D. Free Comic Book Day 2016 Special, 4001 A.D. #1-4.
(W) Matt Kindt (A/CA) Clayton Crain
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